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Your Guide to Addressing Stress and Anxiety During the Pandemic

Without a doubt, the past few months have been an uncertain, tumultuous and stressful time for us all; whether you have been battling with personal and family issues or financial and occupational problems. The pandemic has unleashed stresses in some of us that we never even realised we had, and this stress needs to be addressed pronto. Here is a quick guide to helping you alleviate some of the fears and anxieties you may be experiencing during the pandemic. I hope it helps.

Be Positive

I know it's a hard thing to do at the moment, especially when there doesn't appear to be an end to the pandemic in the anytime soon. However, look at the positive things in your life and the things you are grateful for. Stresses and anxieties can shield and hide the little things in life that you appreciate. Having a "glass half full" mantra is a great asset and will really boost your morale. There is always someone worse off than yourself.

Help others

Volunteering and community work can really allow you to put your problems into perspective. Doing charity work can boost your resilience and make you feel happier in yourself. It will also keep you busy, so your immediate anxieties will be placed at the back of your mind. With the pandemic still happening, there are so many charities and volunteer services/food banks that would love the extra help. However, I appreciate that a lot of us do not have the time to volunteer but even doing something as small as a favour for someone every day, like helping someone across a road, could make you feel more content and alleviate immediate stresses.

Be Active

Exercise does not make stresses disappear; however, it can help alleviate stress and reduce the intensity of your stress. It will help you to clear your thoughts. It will allow you to sleep for longer and more calmly too. Sleep will make you feel more positive in your head. Try to do some form of physical activity once a day to improve your stress levels and sleep routine.

Connect with people around you

It's essential to have people around you even if you're shielding and can't see them properly. A phone call or video call can do the world of good to reassure you of your good support network of friends, family and colleagues. They can help to ease some of your stresses and reassure you. They are here for you. Don't worry about burdening them with your problems; they are your friends/family. In most cases, they will be more than happy to support you. If you don't connect with those around you, they won't be there when you need their help.

Make time for 'me time'

People in the UK work the most extended hours in Europe. Therefore, we do not spend much time doing things we love to do in order to wind down after a long arduous week working. It's essential to take some time out to socialise, relax and exercise. Have a couple of nights a week just for you, doing what you want to do on your own. This will prevent you from working overtime on those two allocated days.

If you're looking for personal or business coaching to help you through this time, contact me today.

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